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Friday, March 25, 2011

It's too late to apologize


Has anyone else ever noticed just how often Chris Brown says he's sorry?? All types of different people have recieved apologies from the rapper since he was black balled from Hollywood. Ever since he beat up ex girlfriend Rihanna he has been on a downward spiral of stupid and apparently caught apology diarrhea somehwere along the way...or was it herpes? No matter.

Chris has released another public apology to Good Morning America for a violent outburst he had during/after an interview with co-anchor Robin Roberts. According to GMA, Brown smashed a window in his dressing room and broke various other items during tantrum.

Just for fun lets rehash some of Chris' recent "I'm Sawry" moments.

1. Rihanna- There are all kinds of theories about this one but for whatever reason Borwn and Rihana were having a dispute when things took a violent turn. No reason is a Good reason for domestic violence.
2. Raz B- The two rappers got into a battle on twitter and eventually Brown hands out another public apology.  Chris Brown tells TMZ he's sorry for "going off on Raz B" on Twitter, and making crass sexual references that many say were homophobic slurs.

3. Everyone- Chris Brown is sorry for the delay in publicly apologizing for roughing up then-girlfriend Rihanna back in February 2009, but don't blame him. It's the lawyers, he says in a two-minute video posted to YouTube, MySpace, his own Web site and blasted out to media outlets Tuesday afternoon. Brown, who pleaded guilty to felony assault in exchange for community service and five years of probation in June, says he's been ready to apologize for months: The apology took a full five monhs.

4. ABC News- said the 21-year-old singer smashed a window in his dressing room Tuesday after he was interviewed by GMA co-host Robin Roberts on the show. Brown was promoting his new album, F.A.M.E., out this week, but Roberts touched on his beating of then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 during an interview before his scheduled performance.

And let's not forget that Brown just announced yesterday that he and his long time publicist have decided to part I'm assuming there will be an apology to accompany that bit of news

Saturday, March 19, 2011



We all know Miley Cyrus is on the fast track to LiLo-dom but apparently she has no qualms with taking her family with her.  Miley was set to release a re-make of the Poison song "Every Rose has a Thorn" with  Bret Michaels last year. The release was put on hold because of the swirling rumors that Bret had boned Mileys mom Tish Cyrus. Everyone in the Cyrus and Michaels camps has denied this. Shortly after these allegations were denied Tish and Billy Ray filed for divorce. Sounds Fishy!
You might ask why any of this would be Miley's fault. Well papa Billy Ray released statements blaming Miley for the break-up of the Cyrus family. One claim was that "Hannah Montana tore his family apart." Lol. Billy Ray also stated that Mileys recent bad behavior was a factor in the family's downfall also.
One has to wonder how the other Cyrus children (all younger siblings of Miley) deal with this type of media. The bad behavior and family issues are all too reassembling to the Linsay Lohan debacle of 2007-present.

However yesterday TMZ reported that on March 11 Billy Ray Filed for a judge to dismiss the divorce stating that he and Tish were working towards fixing their marriage. Coincidentally Bret Michaels released a statement on the same day saying that the duet with Miley was back on track to be released and would probably come out sometime this summer.

"The record label was supposed have to this huge humongous release of 'Every Rose.' It was going to be Miley's next-step song, but because of that, they stepped back." -Bret Michaels

The fact that these stories debuted on the same day is a little more than coincidence and pretty funny that they thought no one would notice...

Just to be clear I think Miley remaking this song is crap to begin with. Why you gotta ruin a perfectly good song??

Sport moments gone awry


It's been awhile since my last post. On Feb. 17 my husband and I welcomed our second child Chloe into the world. So I have been at home healing and adjusting to having a second child.
But I'm back now!! So to all of those faithful readers who have been complaining about the lack of posts (aka my sister lol) I hope this makes up for the delay.

Now I'm not really into sports, I played them when I was younger but as far as watching them on the telly goes, it's not really my style. After surfing the web for a great new topic to blog about I came across several interesting photos. So I dug a little deeper and suffice to say I am now reconsidering my position as a non-ESPN viewer. Take a gander at these lovely photos that came from the world of sports and don't forget to comment and let me know what you think.......

 A picture is worth how many words???

Jerry Springer Colombian Style
 Love, love, love this!!! 

Just LOL

  "Man, my legs are flippin' tired!"
                                                    Soccer takes the cake on funny sports photos

 Now it's just a matter of who outlasts who
                Prolly not the best way to score a date  :)


                             These pics reinforce my fear of ice skating....oh the things that can go wrong!!



     That shotput is prolly only like 12 lbs. lol


Oh, not in our house!!   (ABOVE)

                      This is why most dance partners end up dating if one of them is not gay, lol haha

One badass cheerleader


                                  Anger Managment anyone?

           "I said, I want my watch back!"

Do you see the balls??  (below)


I dont even know what to say

That SUX