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Friday, March 25, 2011

It's too late to apologize


Has anyone else ever noticed just how often Chris Brown says he's sorry?? All types of different people have recieved apologies from the rapper since he was black balled from Hollywood. Ever since he beat up ex girlfriend Rihanna he has been on a downward spiral of stupid and apparently caught apology diarrhea somehwere along the way...or was it herpes? No matter.

Chris has released another public apology to Good Morning America for a violent outburst he had during/after an interview with co-anchor Robin Roberts. According to GMA, Brown smashed a window in his dressing room and broke various other items during tantrum.

Just for fun lets rehash some of Chris' recent "I'm Sawry" moments.

1. Rihanna- There are all kinds of theories about this one but for whatever reason Borwn and Rihana were having a dispute when things took a violent turn. No reason is a Good reason for domestic violence.
2. Raz B- The two rappers got into a battle on twitter and eventually Brown hands out another public apology.  Chris Brown tells TMZ he's sorry for "going off on Raz B" on Twitter, and making crass sexual references that many say were homophobic slurs.

3. Everyone- Chris Brown is sorry for the delay in publicly apologizing for roughing up then-girlfriend Rihanna back in February 2009, but don't blame him. It's the lawyers, he says in a two-minute video posted to YouTube, MySpace, his own Web site and blasted out to media outlets Tuesday afternoon. Brown, who pleaded guilty to felony assault in exchange for community service and five years of probation in June, says he's been ready to apologize for months: The apology took a full five monhs.

4. ABC News- said the 21-year-old singer smashed a window in his dressing room Tuesday after he was interviewed by GMA co-host Robin Roberts on the show. Brown was promoting his new album, F.A.M.E., out this week, but Roberts touched on his beating of then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 during an interview before his scheduled performance.

And let's not forget that Brown just announced yesterday that he and his long time publicist have decided to part I'm assuming there will be an apology to accompany that bit of news

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